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Golden Book 1/12/23

1 December 2023 (by admin)

Archie GB

Archie is one of the first children in our class to offer help. He constantly thinks about his peers and will remind me if they have been missed out.

He is trying so hard to write his name and he is also focusing hard on all his other learning particularly in maths.

Well done Archie.


Sully you always work hard, giving a high level of attention to all that you do.  You have started your diary entry and were able to imagine that you were Plop, writing in the first person and in the past tense; I can’t wait to read the rest of your diary entry!  You are a conscientious mathematician, thinking carefully about what is required of you and completing your work, and the extension tasks.  You make an excellent contribution to our class shared time and you are a very polite, respectful young man.  Well done Sully!

Jack G

Jack is such a hardworking, conscientious pupil who always tries his very best in all his learning and takes the time to produce his best work. Jack has particularly shone in guided reading and writing this week, showing great vocabulary skills, inference and understanding of how words can be used for effect. It’s wonderful to read such well extended and interesting sentences.  Jack puts his hand up to answer questions frequently and his ideas are well thought out and supported with explanations. Well done Jack!

Isla R

We have been so impressed with Isla this term and her, ‘can do’ attitude. Even when she has felt unsure about something she has still tried and had a go. In her learning, she is always so engaged and strives to always reach the challenges within the lesson. She has been particularly working hard on her handwriting this week and trying to include all of her Year 3 writing skills within her diary entry based on our text – The Owl who is afraid of the dark. Well done Isla – we are very proud of you!


This week Class 5 have been busy with a trip to London alongside our usual learning.  Toby has shown fantastic resilience with the changes in our usual timetable.  At the Imperial War Museum Toby was absolutely engrossed in finding out more about the First World War.  His enthusiasm and delight in everything he saw was infectious and he handled a longer than usual coach journey in a sensible way.  His behaviour was commendable.  Well done, Toby.

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