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  1. News
  2. Golden Book 13/10/23

Golden Book 13/10/23

13 October 2023 (by admin)


Bobby’s smiling face always cheers up our days. He has tried really hard with his learning this week. He is  remembering more and more letter sounds and is doing well writing letters.     He painted a beautiful autumn tree – which was much admired in church.   He also made a very spikey hedgehog and was able to talk about why it has spikes and what it likes to eat.


William has shown all of our school values consistently all term. He always tries his best in all lessons and always striving to achieve. His engagement in lessons is fantastic and he shows so much enthusiasm for his learning. He made such an amazing mentor on our school trip yesterday.. William has been working so hard on his handwriting and because of this has made so much progress. You are a super star William and we are so proud of you!


Tai you are demonstrating such aspiration in your learning.  You have worked especially hard in maths, you are focused and are producing super neat and accurate work that is always a pleasure to mark!You are always a polite and helpful boy and this was very clear on our school trip when you were an excellent class monitor!  Well done Tai.


Jenny, you are a star! Jenny consistently demonstrates all our school values in every aspect of school life, whether it’s her learning, Year 6 responsibilities or after school clubs. Jenny always shows respect; she is a polite, helpful pupil and an excellent year 6 role model.  Jenny also shows aspiration and resilience in her attitude towards her learning, always striving to do her very best.  In Maths, Jenny has mastered order of operations due to her excellent attitude – well done Jenny!